Neptunkatastrofen 1973


When an underwater ocean lab is lost in a earthquake, an advanced submarine is sent down to find it and encounters terrible danger.

Todos los títulos
  • CA: The Neptune Factor The Neptune Factor
  • BR: O Fator Netuno O Fator Netuno
  • CA: L'odyssée sous la mer L'odyssée sous la mer
  • FI: Seikkailu syvyydessä Seikkailu syvyydessä
  • FR: Odyssée sous la mer Odyssée sous la mer
  • DE: Die Odyssee der Neptun Die Odyssee der Neptun
  • GR: Eisvoleis ton vython Eisvoleis ton vython
  • IT: L'odissea del Neptune nell'impero sommerso L'odissea del Neptune nell'impero sommerso
  • JP: Shinkai seifuku Shinkai seifuku
  • NL: Reddingsaktie Neptunus Reddingsaktie Neptunus
  • PL: Podwodna odyseja Podwodna odyseja
  • PT: Uma Odisseia Submarina Uma Odisseia Submarina
  • ES: Odisea bajo el mar Odisea bajo el mar
  • SE: Neptun-katastrofen Neptun-katastrofen
  • TR: Neptün Macerasi Neptün Macerasi
  • US: Conquest of the Deeps Conquest of the Deeps
  • US: The Neptune Disaster The Neptune Disaster
  • US: The Neptune factor - An Underwater Odyssey The Neptune factor - An Underwater Odyssey
  • CA: Die Odyssee der Neptun Die Odyssee der Neptun
Fecha de lanzamiento 03 Aug 1973
Enlace IMDb
